When SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio is installed, a few templates are installed to work with. These templates are nothing but Design Studio applications stored in a particular directory with metadata information.
To order to reduce design time, there may be a need for custom templates to reuse the design layouts instead of creating applications from existing one.
In this blog, let me show the steps to create a custom template.
1) Create a new application using a blank template or an existing template. Here I create a application named "MY_TEMPLATE"
2) For this purpose of this How-To blog, I used the supplied template "TEMPLATE_DESKTOP_SIMPLE" and made a few changes. Following is the final application. It is just a layout design with no data sources.
3) Once the desired layout is designed, save the application. It is saved to the local repository. The location of the repository folder can be obtained by selecting the Open Repository Folder from the Application menu as shown below.
4) Copy the Application folder designed from the repository folder to the template folder. Here I copy my "MY_TEMPLATE" folder from my repository.
5) Save the copied folder to the Template folder. Location of the template folder can be obtained by going to the Preferences under Tools menu.
6) After the copied folder is saved to the Template folder, create the following metadata files: a .info file and a png image file having the same name as the new template being created.
Use a text editor to create the .info file containing the name and a description for the template
Use a image editor to create a .png file preferably of the size of 42px.
7) With these files and the copied folder, the template folder should appear as
8) Now when a new application is created in Design Studio, the newly created custom template will appear in the list of templates to choose.
This concludes the steps to save a Design Studio application as a custom template. Hope it is useful.